tr.v. ex�cused, ex�cus�ing, ex�cus�es. 1. a. To explain (a fault or an offense) in the The explanation for the performance or nonperformance of a particular act; a 1ex�cuse. verb \ik-y#712;sky�peratively often y#712;sky�x�cusedex�cus�ing. /v. y#618;ky#712;skyuz; n. y#618;ky#712;skyus/ Show Spelled [v. ik-skyooz; n. ik-skyoos] Show IPA Define excuse. What is excuse? excuse meaning and more by Macmillan Define excuse in American English. What is excuse? excuse meaning and more Definition of Excuse. Excuse. To free from accusation, or the imputation of fault or 26 Jul 2011 ... It believes the courts have made it clear that HMRCy#39;s guidance on fines is at odds excuse meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see ...Definition of excuse from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary Excuse means to forgive, pardon or free from an obligation. (verb). An example of
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